
Grant Painting Group has been providing first class house painting and commercial painting services in Oakville for 40 years.
According to MoneySense, the city of Oakville ranked #7 of 201 Canadian towns and cities in most desirable places to live in 2014.
According to the 2011 census, Oakville is home to 182,520 residents. This represents a 10.2% increase since the 2006 census.
Grant Painting Group has been part of this growing community for over 30 years.
If you need honest, professional painting services for your home or business in Oakville or you are considering moving to this beautiful community on the shore of Lake Ontario, contact us. We will be more than happy to provide a free consultation for your renovation project.
If you are looking for a house painter in Oakville,
If you are a business owner and you would like an estimate on commercial painting in Oakville, contact us.